SANAA, Aug. 28 (YPA) – The Israeli newspaper Haartz published on Monday a report in which it indicated that the Saudi decision to sell the shares of Aramco reflected the bad policy of reforms vowed by Ben Salman, affiriming that the Saudi stock market tumble, which will push to the end of the Saudi prince Ben Salman and his project.
The report said that Ben Salman plan to develop the Saudi economy have been depending on Aramco’s sells and on his intention to enhance an economy that depend on the technology and invention and support the private sector.
However since the year 2016 Armco’s shares offering was postponed to several times for the same raison, which confirmed the failure of the plan, the report added.
The report said that the Saudi Arabia suffers from the escaping of the national capital and immigration for its citizens, which means the absence of the human element and certainly the money.
Ahmed Al-Mutawakel