YEMEN Press Agency

Activists protest before New York City Hall against continuation of war on Gaza

SANAA, Sept. 21 (YPA) – Thousands of activists held a sit-in in front of New York City Hall last night, denouncing the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip and the massacres committed by the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people for nearly a year.

The participants raised the Palestinian flag and pictures of the child martyrs who were killed by Israeli tanks and planes without guilt, to remind American public opinion that Israel is waging an existential war against the Palestinian people and that they must act to save them.

They also raised banners calling for an end to the genocide and demanding that the world shoulder its responsibilities by stopping the war in the Gaza Strip and ending the siege imposed on the cities of the West Bank.

In a not final outcome, the death toll has risen in Gaza Strip, since the beginning of the aggression on October 7, 2023, to more than 41 thousand people have been killed, most of them children and women, while the number of injuries has reached 95 thousand, while thousands of victims are still under the rubble.