YEMEN Press Agency

Ansarallah declares solidarity with Lebanon, its right to respond to Israeli escalation

SANAA, Sept. 18 (YPA) – The Ansarallah Political Bureau strongly condemned the Israeli terrorist attacks against Lebanon, which resulted in deaths and hundreds of wounded, declaring full solidarity with the Lebanese people and the right of Lebanon and its resistance to respond to this dangerous escalation.

The Bureau stated in a statement issued Wednesday that “Israeli operations against civilians in Lebanon constitute a full war crime and represent a blatant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty.”

The statement pointed out that the Zionist entity’s persistence in its crimes, whether in Gaza or Lebanon, comes in light of American support at all levels, noting that the Lebanese resistance (Hezbollah) is paying the price for its courageous faith and moral stances in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance in Gaza.

The Ansarallah Political Bureau stated that the Zionist enemy’s resort to this type of crime indicates the extent of its bankruptcy and impotence in direct military confrontation. “The Israeli enemy is trying through this crime to save itself from direct confrontations in the field.”

The bureau affirmed its support for Lebanon and its Islamic resistance in confronting the Zionist aggression against Lebanon and its people and resistance.

The statement also stressed that this aggression would not prevent the continuation of the axis of Al-Quds, jihad, and resistance in supporting the Palestinian people and defending their just cause.