YEMEN Press Agency

Human rights advocate reveals shocking details on torture victims in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 12 (YPA) – The head of a prominent human rights organization in Aden has called on the relevant authorities to conduct urgent investigations into all officials accused of committing enforced disappearances and torture to death inside prisons and secret detention facilities.

Anis Al-Sharik, the head of the Al-Rasid Organization for Human Rights in Aden, stated that “there are dozens of people who have been forcibly disappeared in Aden, tortured to death, and their families have not been informed or given their bodies.”

He added that there are still many forcibly disappeared individuals for whom security formations in Aden refuse to allow communication with their families or to transfer them to the appropriate authorities.

Al-Sharik emphasized that many families of the victims of enforced disappearance want to file complaints and reports with the relevant authorities but lack trust in the seriousness and impartiality of the judiciary, security forces, and the Transitional Council.

He also mentioned that there is a systematic effort to undermine all crimes and accusations against the leader Yasir Al-Maqtari, including the case of the kidnapping and enforced disappearance of Major Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani in mid-June in central Aden.

Al-Sharik pointed out that families of victims of enforced disappearance are subjected to intimidation and threats by members of Yasir’s network.

He renewed his call for an investigation into those who support Yasir, given the confirmed involvement of Yasir’s terrorist network in the kidnapping and forced disappearance of Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani.

