YEMEN Press Agency

UAE kidnaps tribal sheikh refusing to loot gold in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 03 (YPA) – UAE-funded armed factions kidnapped a tribal sheikh refusing to loot raw gold in Hadramout province, east of Yemen.

So-called Hadramout Tribal Alliance revealed in a statement that the armed faction pursued and kidnapped Sheikh Ali Omar Bamzahm, and 3 of his sons, “Walid, Omar, Abu Bakr” against the backdrop of carrying out a protest rally condemning the looting of gold from Al-Barada area in the Brom Mayfa’a district.

The statement said that those factions carried out serious violations in a number of coastal districts that witnessed widespread local protests denouncing the rise in diesel and petroleum derivatives prices, in addition to the deterioration of various basic services.

Alliance’s statement condemned the actions of armed elements on board military vehicles belonging to the Emirati-backed factions in the city of Shihr of Ghayl Bawazir district, suppressing protesters by firing live ammunition and spraying them with hot water in an attempt to disperse and arrest several participants.