YEMEN Press Agency

Biden: It is time to end the war in Gaza

WORLD, Sept. 01 (YPA) – US President Joe Biden stated that he remained “optimistic” about reaching an agreement to end the war in Gaza, adding that all parties are in agreement on the “principles” for a deal.

According to the White House press service, Biden, who is vacationing in Delaware, said: “I think we’re on the verge of having an agreement,” he said. “It’s time this war ended.”

Biden added that “people are continuing to meet.”

“We think we can close the deal, they’ve all said they agree on the principles.”

He added, “It is time to end this war. I believe we are close to reaching an agreement.”

Biden also said his government has been in contact with the Israelis and heard about the bodies that were discovered in Gaza.

He said the bodies have not been identified at this moment, pending notification from families.

Biden said there was a lot of speculation, which is really hinting at the families of the captives in Israel, who have been saying that these might be their loved ones whose remains have now been found.

