YEMEN Press Agency

Officer loyal UAE kidnapped in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 31 (YPA) – A officer of the so-called coast guard forces loyal to the UAE-funded leader “Tariq Afash” was kidnapped in the city of Aden, south of Yemen, after arriving from the coastal city of Mocha of Taiz.

Human rights sources said that Hamza Al-Azibi, the son of the “head of the Al-Hawtah Tribal Alliance,” Sheikh Yasser Fadhl Al-Azibi, is still being held in the notorious Wadah Hall prison, which is affiliated with the so-called “security department” of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces.

The sources affirmed that Hamza Al-Azibi was kidnapped by two military vehicles belonging to the STC along with two of his friends while he was out in his car to buy medicine in the city.
Sheikh Yasser Al-Azibi had been arrested several times by the STC factions during the past years.