YEMEN Press Agency

20 Israeli soldiers refuse to return to fight in Gaza

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Aug. 29 (YAP) -Twenty Israeli soldiers belonging to an infantry brigade have refused to return to the battlefield in the Gaza Strip with ten amongst them being notified that they will face trial if they refuse to obey military orders, the Israeli public broadcaster KAN reported on Wednesday.

According to the KAN,  the soldiers who received notifications Tuesday will face trial for defying military orders unless they return to combat in Gaza.

The channel reportedly quoted several Israeli soldiers as saying that they are unable to return following ten months of combat in the Strip but nonetheless are ready to assume other duties.

KAN mentioned that different battalions in other brigades have also voiced similar difficulties of combat in Gaza.

The Israeli public broadcaster quoted the families of some of the soldiers as saying that their sons “are forced to conduct ground maneuvers in Gaza or face prison.”

The families of soldiers reportedly expressed their disbelief and refusal over these measures and vowed to help their children challenge the system

An Israeli army spokesperson, for his part, assured that military leaders are exerting all efforts “to support and assist soldiers in fulfilling their various operational tasks.”

The Israeli spokesperson declared that no disciplinary measure, imprisonment included, will be taken against the soldiers.

