YEMEN Press Agency

Gold rises significantly in Aden, Sanaa

SANAA, Aug. 13 (YPA) – Gold prices rose again in Yemen on Tuesday, recording a new increase after a slight decline in the middle of last week, and despite the changes, the gap in prices remains remarkably visible between Sanaa and Aden.

Economic sources revealed that the difference in the increase in the price of the gold pound within 48 hours in Aden amounted to about 30,000 riyals, and in Sanaa about 4,000 riyals.

Below are the average gold prices in Aden and Sanaa this evening:

Average gold prices in Aden:
Gold pound Purchase = 1,050,000 riyals, Sale = 1,070,000 riyals.
Gram 21 karat Purchase = 131,000 riyals, Sale = 139,000 riyals.

Average gold prices in Sanaa:
Gold pound Purchase = 286,000 riyals, Sale = 290,000 riyals.
Gram 21 karat Purchase = 35,500 riyals, Sale = 37,500 riyals.