YEMEN Press Agency

Report: Israel used US-made GBU-39 small diameter bomb in Gaza school attack

WORLD, Aug. 11 (YPA) – American media reports on Sunday indicated “Israel” used at least one US-made precision-guided bomb during a strike on a school and mosque in Gaza City that killed more than 90 people, according to a weapons expert.

Footage from the aftermath of the attack, filmed by CNN, showed parts of an explosive device that former US Army explosive ordnance disposal technician Trevor Poole confirmed was from a GBU-39 small diameter bomb.

According to weapons expert Chris Cobb Smith, the GBU-39, made by Boeing, is a high-precision munition “designed to attack strategically important targets” while causing low collateral damage.

But Cobb Smith, a former British Army artillery officer, said: “The use of any munition, even of this size, would always entail risks in a densely populated area.”

Additionally, Gaza’s Civil Defense Supplies Director, Mohamed Al-Mughir, reported that the Israeli army used three American MK-84 bombs, weighing over 2,000 pounds each, which can reach temperatures of 7,000 degrees, in the attack on the school and mosque in the Al-Daraj neighborhood.

The school had been sheltering around 2,400 displaced people before the strike. The Israeli army acknowledged using three missiles in the attack but claimed they were small and not capable of causing widespread damage, questioning the reported casualty figures.

The Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported that JDAM-guided bombs, equipped with GPS and advanced sensor technology, were used in the attack.

The White House expressed concern over the civilian casualties reported from the Israeli strike on the Al-Tabeen school in Gaza. The airstrikes resulted in the death of 125 Palestinians and injuries to many others during dawn prayers.

