YEMEN Press Agency

Activists protest in New York against US media that supports Israeli occupation

WASHINGTON, Aug. 03 (YPA) – New York city witnessed protests against American media accused of supporting the Israeli occupation as activists demanded an end to the war on the Palestinians.

Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists organized a protest demonstration in New York City in front of the headquarters of the News Corporation, which owns the New York Times and Fox News, accusing these media institutions of supporting the Zionist occupation through their biased media coverage.

The demonstrators carried Palestinian flags and chanted slogans denouncing media bias, pointing out that Western media ignores crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against the Palestinian people.

They drew attention to the occupation’s continued massacres for more than 300 days, resulting in the death of about 40,000 Palestinians and the injury and loss of tens of thousands.

The streets of New York also witnessed a massive demonstration with the participation of thousands, including some labor unions, which started from the famous Times Square, demanding an end to the war on Gaza and the ongoing aggression.

The participants called for fair and balanced media coverage that reflects the reality of the situation and the Palestinian people’s suffering.