YEMEN Press Agency

Lavrov: Destroying “Hamas” is impossible

WORLD, July 28 (YPA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov considered destroying Hamas, which is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s condition for a ceasefire, to be an unrealistic goal.  He added that a truce in Gaza remains elusive.

This came during his remarks following his visit to Malaysia on Sunday.

The Russian minister said: “There are currently no prospects for ending this bloodshed. In response to calls for a ceasefire, Israel, through its Prime Minister Netanyahu, has stated that it will not stop until Hamas is completely destroyed. In my opinion, and many of my colleagues share this view, it is unrealistic to completely destroy an organization that has sufficient capabilities and support, including from the Islamic world.”

Lavrov noted that some countries are trying to propose new settlement plans that call for a gradual cessation of violence, “as Israel refuses an immediate ceasefire.”

He added: “Some Arab countries, specifically Egypt and Qatar, are working with the Americans and are also holding meetings with the Israelis. It is not entirely accurate, in my opinion, for the Palestinians themselves to be excluded from discussions that will ultimately determine their fate.”

Lavrov emphasized that Russia “will continue to contribute to the restoration of Palestinian unity.”
