YEMEN Press Agency

‘Implementing agreement gets conditioned Saudi side’s commitment’:Al-Ruwaishan

SANAA, July 24 (YPA) – Deputy prime minister of the Sanaa government for defense and security affairs, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan, stressed that the implementation of the agreement between the Sanaa-based Yemeni government and the Saudi regime is contingent on the Saudi side’s commitment.

“Sanaa sees the completion of the agreement as a “positive point,” Al-Ruwaishan told Al-Mayadeen TV on Wednesday, explaining that its announcement is “just media talk so far,” as the airport is still closed, and the blockade and measures against Yemeni banks are still in place.
He stressed that it is not possible to talk about a positive agreement unless what was agreed upon would be implemented on the ground, noting that “the ball is now in the court of the Saudi side.

Regarding the Yemeni position in support of the resistance in the Gaza Strip, Al-Ruwaishan stressed that “the people, leadership and armed forces in Yemen are determined to adhere to their declared position.”

He affirmed that all measures taken at obstructing the Yemeni position towards the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip had failed, stressing that Riyadh “realized too late that all the pressures exerted against Sanaa would not work with the Yemeni people.”

“Yemen’s position in supporting the Palestinian people is a religious, national, moral and humanitarian position,” Al-Ruwaishan added.