YEMEN Press Agency

Hebrew media publishes information on Zionist aggression against Yemen

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, July 21 (YPA) – Hebrew media published on Saturday evening information about the air attack launched by Israeli fighters on the city of Hodeida in western Yemen.

Israeli fighters launched a series of raids targeting civilian facilities inside the port of Hodeida, two days after the first attack by Yemeni forces targeted the city of Tel Aviv with a “Jaffa” drone.

Hebrew media reported that during Saturday’s attack, Israeli fighter jets launched 10 raids on the port of Hodeida.

According to Hebrew media, the Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Saturday morning invited members of the Ministerial Council for Security and Political Affairs to an extraordinary meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

The session lasted about four hours, and at the end of it, the cabinet agreed to launch an attack on Yemen, specifically the port of Hodeida in western Yemen.
While the ministers were meeting, Israeli warplanes set off towards Hodeida to carry out the first declared Israeli strike on Yemeni territory.

After the meeting ended, Netanyahu, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, and a number of leaders of the army and security services continued to closely follow the course of this attack.