YEMEN Press Agency

9 Zionist soldiers killed, injured in Shujaiya battle in Gaza

GAZA, June 29 (YPA) – The Israeli occupation forces evacuated four dead and five wounded soldiers who killed on Friday evening during fierce battles with the Palestinian resistance in the Shujaiya neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip.

Hebrew media reported, “4 Israeli soldiers were killed and at least 5 were injured in clashes in Shujaiya in Gaza”.

The Ezz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades announced that they had caused deaths and injuries among Israeli occupation soldiers in the Shujaiya neighborhood in the Gaza Strip, where the two sides were engaged in fierce battles on Friday evening.

Al-Qassam said in a statement: “We are engaged in fierce clashes from zero distance with the enemy forces in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, and we caused dead and wounded among their ranks”.

Al-Qassam said that it bombed with mortar shells a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating on Baghdad Street in the Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza city.