YEMEN Press Agency

US-British coalition hit Hodeida Airport four times

HODEIDA, June 28 (YPA) – The US-British aggression air forces launched an aerial attack on Hodeida province, western Yemen, on Friday.

A security source in the province said that the US-British aggression’s aircraft carried out four airstrikes on Hodeida international Airport.

He confirmed the aggression aircraft continue to fly over the province,.

The recent attacks came after four US-British airstrikes targeted the Dhahra area in the Mawiyah district of Taiz province.

Observers believe these aggressive attacks on Yemen by the United States and UK are a desperate attempt to deter Yemen from continuing its decision to prevent Zionist ships from passing through the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza, who are facing a genocidal war by the Zionist Nazi entity

