YEMEN Press Agency

One killed, two wounded in bomb attack in Abyan

ABYAN, June 22 (YPA) – At least one person was killed and others were injured on Friday, in a bomb attack targeting a commander of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (ST)’s factions in Abyan Governorate, southern Yemen.

Local sources reported that unidentified assailants targeted a military vehicle carrying the commander in the Security Belt forces, Samir Mahlab Al-Qinashi, with an improvised explosive device east of Mudiyah district.

The attack resulted in the death of one recruit and injury of two others.

According to the sources, Al-Qinashi and the wounded were taken to a hospital for treatment.

No further details were given in the incident.

The Southern Transitional Council accused Al-Qaeda elements of carrying out terrorist operations against its factions in Abyan since its takeover of Islah Party camps in Abyan in the “Swords of the East” operation in August 2022.

