YEMEN Press Agency

Transport Ministry directs to raise readiness in Sanaa airport

SANAA, June 19 (YPA) – Sanaa-based Minister of Transport, Abdul Wahab Al-Durra, directed on Wednesday the Sanaa Airport administration and the relevant authorities to raise readiness to receive pilgrims and provide internationally applicable services.

The minister indicated that 52 flights will arrive at Sanaa International Airport coming from Saudi Arabia carrying more than eight thousand male and female pilgrims via the Yemeni Airlines Company after performing the Hajj and Umrah rituals.

He pointed out that these flights will arrive successively at Sanaa Airport, starting on Thursday, June 20 to 26.

Al-Durra reiterated the operational, professional and technical readiness of Sanaa airport to receive flights in accordance with international conditions and requirements and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).