YEMEN Press Agency

People stand in long queues to get “ice” in Aden as its prices rise by 100%

ADEN, June 05 (YPA) -Aden Governorate has been experiencing a severe ice crisis, as its prices reach unprecedented levels due to the high demand from citizens.

This demand is driven by soaring temperatures and continuous power outages lasting more than 13 hours a day.

Citizens, according to media sources, explained that ice, which they find difficult to obtain, has become one of the most expensive commodities sold in Aden markets.

They resorted to buying it to cool drinks and preserve food in the absence of electricity, which has led to a 100% increase in prices.

Citizens confirmed that many of them are unable to buy ice due to their inability to afford them daily amidst the current economic crisis.

According to “Crater Sky” newspaper, a fistfight occurred last Monday evening between men and women standing in a long queue to obtain ice  in the Crater district.

Citizens reported that a brawl broke out between women and men over a queue to get ice from a shop.

They noted that the queue turned into a large brawl arena before several passersby intervened and managed to stop the fight.

It is noteworthy that the ice crisis is not limited to Aden Governorate. Shabwa Governorate also  has been experiencing a similar crisis for the same reasons for days now.

This included a complete power outage in the oil-rich province, causing citizens to rush to buy ice to cool drinking water amidst extremely high temperatures.

Aden is experiencing a severe electricity crisis, along with other southern governorates that are plunged into darkness due to fuel shortages and the inability of the government loyal  to Saudi-led coalition and its related entities to provide fuel regularly to power stations.

