YEMEN Press Agency

Citizens’ cars in Aden damaged after distributing unsuitable gasoline

ADEN, May 21 (YPA) – The Aden-based oil company revealed on Tuesday that it had distributed unsuitable gasoline, which led to damaging some of citizens’ cars.

The coalition-backed company said in a post on Facebook that it imported two types of premium gasoline 95 from abroad and distributed it to oil stations within the company’s work of “Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Dhalea provinces.

It sated that a number of cars suddenly broke down due to being filled with C5 fuel in a number of stations in Aden and the rest of the areas of Lahj and Abyan during the past days.

A third type of gasoline, C5, from the Safer facility was distributed, which has a lower octane percentage, the company added.