YEMEN Press Agency

South African calls on ICJ to take immediate action to stop genocide in Gaza

The Hague, May 16 (YPA) – South African delegation called on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to take immediate steps to stop the ongoing genocidal war the Israeli entity’s committing in the Gaza Strip.

“Nothing justifies genocide, not even the right to self-defense,” it said.

In its plea before the ICJ, the delegation stressed that civilians are being pushed from one place to another in the Strip and the court must act now, calling for the necessity of delivering aid and saving the lives of people in Gaza.

The delegation affirmed that impunity allowed “Israel” to practice genocide in Gaza and escalate its war against citizens in violation of the decisions of the Court of Justice and the UN Security Council.

The International Court of Justice will hold hearings on Thursday and Friday; To consider South Africa’s request to take additional measures to previous measures that the ICJ identified as a genocide case brought against the Israeli occupation, following its recent aggression against Rafah.