YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa calls for continued attacks on Israeli entity

SANAA, April 14 (YPA) – The Secretary of the Supreme Political Council in Sanaa, Yasser Al-Houri, confirmed that Sanaa supports responding to the Zionist entity and deterring it and its American and Western supporters by all means.

Al-Houri said in a statement, “The Islamic Republic of Iran used its right to defend itself in response to the strikes that targeted its consulate in Damascus.”

He added that “it is important for the Iranian state to continue offensive operations against the occupying entity until the resistance in Palestine is winning.”

Al-Houri pointed out that this stage has proven that the equation in the region has changed, stressing that “the Zionist entity must stop its attacks on Gaza and admit defeat.”

He noted that this response may be the beginning of a broader battle if the entity commits more foolishness, confirming that the operation proved that the equations in the region are no longer a unique American industry and that the balances have changed.