YEMEN Press Agency

EU has no moral authority towards Israeli crimes in Gaza: Clare Daly

LONDON, Jan. 22 (YPA) – The Irish representative in the European Parliament, Clare Daly, considered that the European Union’s efforts to take a decision regarding Yemen instead of the Zionist entity is evidence that the European Union has no moral authority.

“The Yemenis did not kill anyone, but 25,000 Palestinians were killed, and you are all angry about the interruption of international supply chains,” Daly said during a session of the European Parliament on Sunday.” The European Union has no moral authority, if you want to solve the problem, stop the genocide in Gaza.”

In a related context, the Financial Times newspaper quoted European officials as saying: The European Union urges its members to punish the Zionist entity if the usurping entity’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The European officials added: The proposal “is an indication of the anger of the Union members due to Israel’s rejection of the two-state solution plan.”

Daly is known for her strong positions in support of the Palestinian cause.