YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa is considering idea of ​​forming int’l alliance to support Palestine

SANAA, Dec. 23 (YPA) – Deputy Foreign Minister in Sanaa, Hussein Al-Ezzi, said on Saturday in his account on the “X” platform that Sanaa is seriously considering the idea of forming an international alliance led by Yemen under the name “Palestine Alliance.”

This comes in light of Washington’s unlimited support for the Zionist entity, most recently the announcement of the establishment of an alliance to protect Israeli ships and confront the Yemeni armed forces.

Al-Ezzi explained that this alliance “will be open to all revolutionary and liberation movements, in addition to the elites, countries, and oppressed peoples in the world,” but he pointed out that “the idea has not yet been approved and is still under study.”

Last Monday, America announced an alliance to protect Israeli ships that includes Britain, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Spain.

In its meeting last Tuesday, the Supreme Political Council in Sanaa vowed a strict response to any American aggression or any attempt to prevent Sanaa from carrying out its religious and humanitarian duty to support the Palestinian people.