YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa government spokesman reveals truth about news on peace agreement

SANAA, Dec.04 (YPA) – Sanaa government spokesman Dhaifallah Al-Shami revealed today the truth of the news reports that talks about the imminent announcement of a peace agreement between Sanaa and Riyadh.

In a statement to “Unews” agency,  Al-Shami said that the Saudi-led coalition deliberately fabricated such rumors in order to quell the growing emotion and discontent within the Yemeni people, especially after Sayyed Abdul Malik Al-Houthi declared war against the Zionist entity, which was greatly welcomed by the Yemeni people.

Al-Shami added that such things come to distract and divert attention from directing the compass of hostility towards America and “Israel”, and these leaks come by the Zionists and Americans against our country through the media and  soft political ways

Sanaa will announce everything that is happening at the time, whether it is a peace agreement or a war, he said.