YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian resistance continues repelling Zionist enemy, confronting them in various sites in Gaza

GAZA, Nov. 11 (YPA) – Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic resistance movement “Hamas”, announced on Saturday that its fighters continue to engage in fierce clashes and blow up the Zionist enemy vehicles in all axes and points of the enemy’s advance in Gaza.

The battalions said in a statement that they targeted three Zionist vehicles in the north-western axis of Gaza with “Yassin 105” missiles.

Al-Qassam Brigades also pounded crowds of penetrating vehicles west of the “Erez” position with heavy-caliber mortars.

For its part, Al-Quds Brigades shelled the Zionist military crowds in the vicinity of the “march” military site with rocket fire and heavy-caliber mortars.

The military crowds advancing south of the Zeitoun neighborhood were targeted by a barrage of mortar shells and a number of rockets.

Al-Quds Brigades reported that its fighters are engaged in fierce clashes in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Al-Nasr neighborhood and the beach camp, inflicting direct casualties on the ranks of enemy forces.

Al-Quds Brigades confirmed that its resisters are waging violent clashes in Tel al-Hawa area and the beach camp, causing direct casualties among the enemy forces.