YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Quds Brigades continues to clash with enemy forces trying to advance into Gaza

GAZA, Nov. 07 (YPA) – Al-Quds Brigades,  the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) continues to confront the Zionist-American aggression against the Gaza Strip.

In a statement on Tuesday, the group said that its fighters targeted a gathering of invading vehicles east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood with a number of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Moreover, Al-Quds Brigades fighters bombarded an enemy command center behind the Pioneer factory northwest of Gaza City with a number of mortar shells.

They also were able to trap enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating between Birkat Abu Daqqa and Abu Rida Gate, east of Khan Yunis, in an ambush with a barrage of mortar shells and engage directly with them before returning to their bases safely.