YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist Foreign Minister arrives in Bahrain

WORLD, Sep. 04b (YPA) – The Zionist Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, arrived in the Bahraini capital, to open the Israeli embassy in Manama.


The visit of the foreign minister of the Israeli occupation entity, Eli Cohen, on Sunday, to the Bahraini capital, Manama, is his first official visit since the two sides agreed to normalize relations between them.


According to the Hebrew channel, Eli Cohen will meet with his Bahraini counterpart and other government officials. In addition, Cohen will officially open the permanent headquarters of the Israeli embassy in Manama.


In September 2020, Bahrain and the UAE signed two agreements to normalize relations with the occupation entity with American mediation.


In the same year, Morocco and Sudan signed two similar agreements with the occupying entity, joining the four Arab countries with Egypt and Jordan, which have been bound by “peace” agreements with Tel Aviv since 1979 and 1994.