YEMEN Press Agency

Director general of Aden airport assaulted

ADEN, May 17 (YPA) – Director General of Aden International Airport, Abdul Raqib Al-Omari, affiliated with the Saudi-led coalition, was severely beaten by one of the directors of the airport’s departments.

Informed sources reported that the director of the Department of Delegates, Jamal Shatira, entered al-Omari’s office during official working hours, and inquired about some of the daily procedures.

The airport director, when he saw Shatira, cursed him, which led Shatira to assault Al-Omari and slap him with boots.

Airport employees threatened to strike and suspend work if the attacker, Jamal Shatira, was not referred to the security authorities to receive his deterrent punishment.

They condemned the attack on the director of Aden airport and declared their solidarity with him.