YEMEN Press Agency

European MP calls for protests against ‘NATO proxy war’ in Ukraine

WORLD, Feb. 25 (YPA) – Irish MEP Mick Wallace has called for protests against the “proxy war” being conducted by the United States and NATO in Ukraine.

“Most politicians don’t want the war to end,” Wallace said. Most of the mainstream media do not want the war to end. On the other hand, most Europeans oppose this war. What a crazy war is this. “It’s time for people to take to the streets and oppose this proxy war by NATO and the United States.”

On Feb. 15, at a session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Wallace called the West’s military aid to Ukraine crazy.

He commented on the statements of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the head of the EU Foreign Service Josep Borrell, who announced new plans for military assistance to Kiev from the European Union that this is contrary to the objectives of a peaceful settlement of the conflict.