YEMEN Press Agency

Chinese Envoy to UN: Beijing prepares peace plan for Ukraine and will announce it within days

WORLD, Feb. 22 (YPA) – Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun said on Tuesday that his country will publish its proposals for facilitating a peace process in Ukraine in the coming days.

“It will be out in a few days time,” Zhang told reporters.

China will emphasize respecting the territorial integrity of all countries, highlight that countries should accommodate each others’ concerns, and urge a political settlement to achieve peace, according to the diplomat.

China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, head of the office of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Communist Party of China, announced on Feb. 18 that Chinese authorities would prepare a plan to settle the crisis in Ukraine, stressing the need to “give peace a chance.”

Wang noted that the plan will be based on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposals for peace in Ukraine.

On Tuesday, Wang Yi arrived in Moscow and it is scheduled to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on February 22.

He is not unlikely to be received by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

According to media reports, Wang Yi is visiting Moscow and he is carrying China’s peace plan for Ukraine.