YEMEN Press Agency

Plane with 72 people on board crashes in Nepal

WORLD, Jan. 15 (YPA) -An aircraft with 72 people on board crashed in Nepal on Sunday, a spokesman for Yeti Aviation told AFP on Sunday morning.

Sudarshan Bartaula , the Yeti Airlines spokesperson, said there were 72 people onboard – 68 passengers and four crew members.

“Rescue is under way, we don’t know right now if there are survivor,” Bartaula said.

The plane crashed between the old and new Pokhara airports in central Nepal.

The wreckage was on fire and rescue workers were trying to put out the blaze, said local official Gurudutta Dhakal.

“Responders have already reached there and trying to douse the fire. All agencies are now focused on first dousing the fire and rescuing the passengers,” Dhakal said.