YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Mashat directs oil tanker docked in Shabwa port not to be targeted

SANAA, Oct. 18 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, directed not to target the oil tanker (Hana) at Bir Ali port in Shabwa province, east of Yemen.

Supreme Economic Committee said in a statement that it had received directives by Al-Mashat, with the exception of the oil tanker (HANA) from the decision to prevent the looting of sovereign wealth, as the mentioned tanker would transport a shipment to the power station in the city of Aden, south of Yemen.

The statement indicated that Hana tanker is currently docked at the port of Bir Ali, in preparation for the transfer of the mentioned shipment.

The committee affirmed that Al-Mashat’s directives were an affirmation of the leadership’s continuity of approach in neutralizing the economic and service aspect, and its keenness to continue providing services to citizens, alleviating their suffering and harnessing the people’s wealth to serve them.