YEMEN Press Agency

Bin Salman, Kushner discuss Trump’s ready plan of “century deal”

SANAA, June 21 (YPA) – Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly met on Wednesday with visiting US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner to discuss Trump’s “ready” plan over Palestinian-Israeli peace deal, or what it calls the “deal of  century”.

The meeting took place in Saudi capital Riyadh at the presence of US special envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenbelt, according to al-Khaleej al-Jadeed news website.

The officials viewed Washington-Riyadh bilateral ties over the Palestinian issue.

Kushner and Greenblatt told bin Salman that the Trump’s plan for building peace between Israel and the Palestinian territories is nearly complete, according to Reuters.

The peace plan was thrown into doubt last month when Trump’s administration decided to move the US embassy in Israel to the Palestinian capital al-Quds (Jerusalem) sparked violent protests in which dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli troops.

It was the second leg of Kushner and Greenbelt’s regional tour, which includes Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan.

On Tuesday, both US officials met with Jordan’s King Abdullah II to exchange views on the Palestinian cause and Trump’s ready plan.

Peace talks between Palestinians and Israel have been stalled since 2014.
