YEMEN Press Agency

Syria: Infighting between Turkish-backed mercenaries leaves casualties in Hasaka

HASAKA, April 14 (YPA) – A number of Turkish occupation mercenaries of terrorist organizations were killed and others were injured in fierce clashes with machine guns that erupted between them in the areas they occupy in Hasaka northern countryside, Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported, citing local sources.

According to the Local sources, the  clashes with machine guns and medium weapons erupted between several terrorist groups affiliated with the so-called “Hamza Division” in the village of Tal Arqam in Ras al-Ayn area in Hasaka northern countryside, as a number of terrorist was killed and others sustained wounds of varying severity.

These clashes come in the context of the continued infighting between these organizations for sharing the influence, stolen items and smuggling routes and seizing citizens’ homes on one hand, and spreading chaos and insecurity in those areas on the other hand.