YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian resistance factions warn Israeli occupation against storming Al-Aqsa Mosque

GAZA, April 12 (YPA) – The Palestinian resistance factions on Tuesday warned the Israeli occupation and the Zionist rapists against storming Al-Aqsa Mosque, desecrating it, and slaughtering in it on the so-called “Easter holiday.”

The resistance factions confirmed in a press statement issued after their weekly meeting in Gaza today, Tuesday, that “the enemy leadership bears full responsibility for the repercussions of this dangerous Judaization step.”

During their meeting, the factions discussed the developments on the Palestinian arena, as they saluted the Palestinian people in all areas of their presence, especially in Jenin, the heroism and revolution that is still facing the brutality of the occupation.

In the statement, the factions mourned with pride the heroic martyrs who rose during the past days in the continuous battle against the occupation, and And I blessed the heroic operation carried out by the heroic martyr Raad Hazem in the occupied Tel al-Rabee, which exposed the fragility of the occupation entity and the falsity of its security force.

The resistance factions affirmed their strong rejection of the condemnations and stances condemning the heroic operations in the occupied lands that were issued by the Palestinian authority and some Arab and Islamic regimes, indicating that these stances do not reflect the will and awareness of the nation and its free peoples.