YEMEN Press Agency

Russia accuses US forces of looting natural resources in Syria

MOSCOW, Feb. 08 (YPA) – The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service said on Tuesday that the United States is plundering Syria’s natural resources, and is actively involved in the oil trade, as the monthly production of Syrian oil reaches three million barrels.

In a statement, the Russian Intelligence Service stated: “The looting of Syrian natural resources by American companies continues, and Washington remains actively involved in the illicit trade in oil produced in the lands of northeastern Syria.”

Up to three million barrels of oil are extracted every month from the fields in the governorates of Hasaka, Raqqa, and Deir ez-Zor.

About a third of the oil stolen by Americans is sold to Kurds in Iraq at $35-40 a barrel, according to the statement. 

The statement added: “It was confirmed that oil arrives in Iraqi Kurdistan by trucks, under the guard of American soldiers. In addition, the American military unit and employees of private military companies organize a security system for the infrastructure.”

The Russian Intelligence Service drew attention to the intention of the US intelligence services to direct extremists in Damascus and Latakia to target operations against the Syrian, Iranian, and Russian security forces.