YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition fighters attack Marib, Jawf

HAJJA, Feb. 04 (YPA) – About 8 airstrikes by the US-backed Saudi coalition fighter jets hit on Friday various areas of Marib and Jawf province.

According to security sources, the warplanes targeted the districts of Al-Wadi and Al-Jouba in Marib with 8 times.

Meanwhile, the fighter jets warplanes launched a strike on Al-Yatama area of Khab Washa’af district in Jawf.

Earlier in the day, the coalition warplanes waged a strike on the vicinity of Sanaa International Airport 4 others on on the al-Nahdin area in al-Sabeen district of the capital Sanaa.

The sources denounced the continuation of the aggression coalition in targeting populated areas and destroying the infrastructure and capabilities of the country in light of a shameful international silence.