YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Fateh Alliance: US is trying to achieve “Greater Middle East” goals inside Iraq

BAGHDAD, Jan. 30 (YPA) – Member of the Iraqi “Al-Fateh Alliance”, Ayed Al-Hilali, confirmed on Saturday that the United States of America is trying, through the recent terrorist incidents, to achieve its goals associated with the term “Greater Middle East.”

Al-Hilali was quoted by the Iraqi “Almaalomah” Agency as saying: “America is trying to shuffle the cards in the region, starting with Ukraine and the friction between it and Russia and the events that took place in Kazakhstan, all the way to the Iraqi files, as it is trying to go towards the greater Middle East.”

He explained that the term “Greater Middle East” introduced by “Condoleezza Rice” in the US Congress in 2005 in accordance with the American standards that it set based on its personal interests, and Washington is working today to achieve its goals through the conspiracies it plots in the region.

“America, which was able to introduce ISIS terrorist elements to Iraq in 2014, is now trying to change the scenarios and tamper with the region’s papers by smuggling terrorists from Hasaka prison in Syria and trying to transfer the terrorists of Al-Hol camp into Iraqi territory,” Al-Hilali added.

The political and security expert, Kazem al-Hajj, had warned, earlier, of America planting time bombs to transport the terrorists of “Al-Hol camp” to Iraq, stressing that the Iraqi government must prevent them from entering the country because of their extreme danger.