YEMEN Press Agency

UAE forces reject to hand over STC headquarters in Shabwa

SHABWA, Jan. 15 (YPA) – UAE forces have refused to hand over the headquarters of the “Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias” in Shabwa province, east of Yemen.

According to local sources, the province’s governor, Awad al-Wazir appointed by the Emirates was ordered to reject the STC’s request to return the conference headquarters, which the “STC” extended and turned it into a seat of the council in 2017.

However, Saudi-backed Islah party gunmen seized the headquarters in 2020 and turned it into a military headquarters, after the Shabwani “elite” militia loyal to the UAE was expelled from Ataq city, the capital of Shabwa.

Several activists on social media accused the Saudi-led coalition of plotting against the Islah party in Shabwa, Wadi Hadramout and other provinces, and working to restore the former president Ali Saleh’s regime in the southern areas, by holding Saleh’s images in the headquarters.