YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen attack residence of STC leader in Shabwah

SHABWAH, Nov. 22 (YPA) – Unknown militants launched an attack on a house belonging to a leader in the UAE-backed Southern Transnational Council (STC) in Shabwah province, local sources said on Monday.

According to local sources, the house of the head of the STC’s branch in the district of Mayfa’a, Saleh Hadi Badyan, located in Azan city, came under heavy fire from unidentified gunmen.

The sources confirmed that the gunmen attacked Badyan’s house while his family of inside the house, and the attackers fled to an unknown destination.

No casualties have been reported so far.

This comes after Badyan was arrested for a week by the Islah party’s special forces in mid-September for participating in anti-Islah demonstrations in Shabwah.