YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa condemns coalition’s crime against 10 war prisoners

SANAA, Nov. 14 (YPA) – The National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs in Sanaa condemned on Sunday the heinous crime committed the Saudi-led coalition forces in the execution of 10 war captives in area of the western coast.

The committee said in a news statement the aggression coalition forces in the West Coast executed 10 prisoners of the Yemeni army by firing squad, in a barbaric and aggressive behavior that contradicts the most basic rights, morals, and religious and humanitarian law and values.

The statement stressed that this crime is evidence of the brutality and criminality of the mercenaries of the coalition, as it represents a resounding scandal for all of their American, Saudi and Emirati supporters.

The Prisoners’ Committee held the leadership of the coalition mercenaries on the West Coast and the coalition’s countries supporting them full legal and morally responsible for this brutal crime.

The committee called on the UN envoy, the United Nations and its affiliated organizations in Yemen to condemn this crime and take a serious and effective move to prosecute its perpetrators to bring them to justice, as well as take the necessary measures to protect all prisoners and preserve their rights.

The statement also called on all political forces, local organizations, and all free Yemeni tribes to condemn this heinous crime, expose its perpetrators, and prosecute them by all means for punishment.