YEMEN Press Agency

Shocking picture: High school students in Shabwah perform exams with their personal weapons

SHABWAH, Jun. 07 (YPA) – Activists on social media have on Monday circulated a shocking picture from inside one of the examinations centers  for high school in the city of Ataq, the capital of Yemen’s oil-rich Shabwah province.

A photo showed seven Kalashnikov rifles  belonging to high school students, placed on the stairs  of a school in Ataq while performing an exam.

Activists attributed the entry of students with firearms to the examination centre due to  the insecurity that hit the province after Islah militants  expelled the UAE-funded “Shabwani elite” militia from Ataq in August 2019.

They said students, including some university students, went to perform secondary and basic tests amid a strong fear of tribal revenges and crackdown of Islah militants and al-Qaeda elements.

According to the activists, the spread of the culture of carrying  weapons among the students of Shabwah has disastrous consequences for the future of generations, considering this a policy of deliberate ignorance by the coalition  and its tools to promote a culture of fighting among the sons of Shabwah.