YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi forces hand over 10 UAE drones to Islah militants in Shabwah

SHABWAH, Feb. 15 (YPA) – Islah factions on Monday seized a shipment of UAE drone aircraft in Shabwah province, southeastern Yemen, with a Saudi green light.

This was reported by Yemeni News portal, based on tribal sources.

Tribal sources said that the cargo, which includes 10 drone aircraft, was on board locomotives coming from Al Rayyan airport in the neighboring province of Hadhramaut

The UAE occupation forces took Al Rayyan airport and turn it into a military base for its forces.

According to the source the shipment was heading to the UAE forces camp in Balhaf on the eastern coast of the oil-rich province when they were intercepted at Najiba point by the special forces of Islah .

The sources said the UAE shipment was accompanied by Saudi forces but the latter withdrew and did not object to the decision of Islah to confiscate the shipment

The move indicates that any move could cost the UAE a heavy price in the face of the struggle to control the province, which is also producing liquefied gas, which is the uae’s most prominent ambition to get rid of Qatari gas.