YEMEN Press Agency

Deputy White House spokeswoman resigns

SANAA, Feb. 14 (YPA) – Washington media reported that the resignation of TJ Duclou, a deputy spokeswoman for the White House, was accepted after threatening a reporter at the White House and dealing with her inappropriately.

The administration of US President Joe Biden had decided to suspend the work of Deputy White House Press Secretary TJ Declo for a week, after he threatened a journalist, according to “Vanity Fair.”

The website stated that Declou had threatened to “tarnish the reputation” of a journalist working for “Politico” magazine, on the back of following a personal relationship with Declou, with a journalist working for “Axios”.

Biden had warned on the first day of assuming his duties at the White House that he would not tolerate any employee who mistreated his colleague.

White House spokeswoman Jane Psaki said, “Declou apologized for the reporter and acknowledged that this was not the behavior that President Biden had identified.”