YEMEN Press Agency

Lahj governor calls on Yemeni tribes to respond to Islah crimes in Marib

LAHJ, Feb. 03 (YPA) – Lahj governor, Ahmed Jurib, called on the Yemeni tribes here on Wednesday to respond well to the crimes committed by the Saud-backed Islah militants against women in Marib city.

Jurib affirmed in a statement that the kidnapping and torture of women storming their houses by the Saudi occupier and its tools by mercenaries, is a crime and disgraceful practices are being criminalized by the Yemeni customs, tribal habits and law.

He pointed out that the Saudi-led coalition militants have tried to provoked consistently the Yemeni community such as the violations and kidnapping of women.

The governor also called on human rights organizations to condemn the crimes of kidnapping women by the coalition and its militants in Marib.