YEMEN Press Agency

Powerful explosion rocks Bayhan city in Shabwah

SHABWAH, Jan. 3 (YPA) – A powerful explosion rocked the town of Bayhan in the occupied Province of Shabwah on Sunday, pro-coalition media sources reported.

According to the sources, the explosion was heard throughout the city and followed by heavy gunfire.

The circumstances of the incident have not yet been revealed, one of the sources said.

On Friday, unidentified gunmen assassinated Sheikh Awad Ali Al-Qatni Al-Marzaqi in Ataq city in the same province, local sources reported.

The sources said that gunmen shot at Sheikh Al-Marzaqi, killing him and wounding two of his companions, and then fled.

Over the past months, murders and assassinations have increased in Shabwah, amid unprecedented insecurity, as a result of conflicts between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council and Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood)’s militias loyal to Saudi-led coalition.