YEMEN Press Agency

3 UN peacekeepers killed in Central Africa

SANAA, Dec. 26 (YPA) – The United Nations announced, on Friday, that three Burundian soldiers were killed by unknown armed fighters in the Central African Republic.
“Three peacekeepers from Burundi were killed and two others wounded,” the United Nations said in a statement, following attacks in the south and center of the country.
The attacks come a day after the main rebel groups canceled the ceasefire ahead of the national elections scheduled for next Sunday.
It is noteworthy that the situation in the Central African Republic escalated in early December 2013, when clashes broke out in Bangui between the militants of the former Islamist group, Seleka, and the Christian rebels opposing it.
On February 6, 2019, the Central African Republic authorities and representatives of armed groups, following talks that took place in Khartoum, which lasted nearly two weeks, signed a peace agreement aimed at ending the long-running conflict in the country.