YEMEN Press Agency

First suspected cases of new Corona strain appeared in Gulf

SANAA, Dec. 22 (YPA) – The Omani Minister of Health, Ahmed bin Muhammad Al-Saeedi, revealed that there is an ongoing study in his country to confirm that there are four cases that may be infected with the new strain coming from Britain.
Al-Saeedi added, in statements reported by the official Oman News Agency, that the study of the genetic map of the virus is continuing and will be announced.
He continued, “Viruses in general and Corona virus in particular are rapidly mutating, and since the genetic map of this virus is known, it has had more than 4,000 mutations,” he said.
He explained, “There are no indications that the new strain is more virulent and dangerous than the mother virus, and that the currently available vaccines will have the same response.”
Al-Saeedi stated that “the Sultanate will receive 15,600 doses of the Corona vaccine next Thursday, with about 28,000 doses reaching by January.”
The Omani Minister of Health confirmed that the Sultanate is one of the first countries to join the International Vaccine Alliance and reserved 10 percent of its needs for this vaccine through the coalition, noting that his country will start vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine next Sunday.