YEMEN Press Agency

Hadi Governor in Taiz directs to beat with iron fist

TAIZ, May 22 (YPA) – Governor of Taiz province, Amin Mahmoud, appointed by the Bin Daghar’s authorities loyal, met on Monday with the Security Committee in Taiz, official told Yemen Press Agency.
In the meeting, Mahmoud directed to beat with an iron fist against anyone who provokes chaos and seeks to destabilize the public in the province.
The meeting came after the assassinations of security men and military personnel over the past few hours, which also affected civilians.
The governor vowed to pursue the killers, criminals and saboteurs wherever they are and to receive retribution for what they have committed against the innocent and the safe civilians.
Taiz, in the center of Yemen, is witnessing a state of security chaos and an increase in armed groups, fed by the coalition leadership, which has made the province a hotbed of bloody conflict.


Sameera Hassn